Saturday, December 15, 2007

Next Generation Portable Computing

We have gone from using stick and writing in mud to reading from a book to using a smart phone. What would be the next step to transfer information with the most efficiency? What is the most efficient ergonomic method? I propose the solution as being a smart phone with a screen that has a device which can project onto a surface. For input, there can be voice recognition and a stylus capable of recording movements on any surface that can translate into the phone via wireless.

rtisbute - Steven Viemeister

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

About NASA from Slashdot

Selikoff writes "NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft has found that our solar system is not round but is 'dented' by the local interstellar magnetic field, space experts said on Monday. The data were gathered by the craft on its 30-year journey when it crossed into a region called the 'termination shock.' The data showed that the southern hemisphere of the solar system's heliosphere is being pushed in. Voyager 2 is the second spacecraft to enter this region of the solar system, behind Voyager 1, which reached the northern region of the heliosheath in December 2004."

-- From Slashdot

30 Years, Thats a couple of good satellites!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Goals for today

I am looking forward to a bright future one step at a time. I want to do the right thing and show my integrity. I will never lose hope and continue to life life exploring all of the possibilities. I will both live in the moment, and take my time when the time is right. The time will always move forward and continue to move in a different direction. I will know the best choice to make because the goals I have guide me.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Min Max = Max Min

If you imagine a faucet with hot and cold water, the Nash equilibrium can be demonstrated. With a little hot water and a lot of cold water, you get warm water. Then, if you vary the knobs of hot and cold water the right way, you can have more hot water then cold. Nash proved that of done correctly, you can always have the water be the same temperature while turning the knobs continuously.

Correct me if I am wrong.

Steven Viemeitser

Friday, October 12, 2007


"Every problem has a unique solution, unless the problem is to use the same solution".


Friday, September 21, 2007

The integerZ

1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3 .... 0h the integerZ!!!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Decreasing date!

Today it was 9/8/7 and it was 6:53 pm. That is something 2 to see only once.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Cool Nerds on NerdTV

Cool Nerds on NerdTV

I, Cringely . NerdTV . Archive . Shows | PBS

brought to by:
Robert X. Cringely and PBS

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License
and are copyright by NerdTV LLC and PBS

Monday, July 23, 2007

Actions Compared to Words - from Word Bolg

"Actions speak louder than words. Like a blog entry."

rtisbute - Steve Viemeister

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Take things with a grain of salt - From "Words from Rtisbute" blog

Everyone knows the expression: "Take things with a grain of salt". What if someone tries to give you a grain of salt?

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Ellipsis - My first Hyperpoem

Ellipsis: a word, symbol, or 3 dots ...

Some people say: "dot dot dot", "and so on", or etc ...

( Each having 3 characters ), ( 3 words ), ( and/or syllables ! )

A nice Explanation, definition,
and to the point (s) !

RtisBute - Steve Viemeister

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Fireworks - From words blog

"Being a pyrotechnician is the only job I know of where you get payed to be fired!!!"


From my Words blog: Words On Theory

"There is an application for any theory... Its always something to think about."


Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Quantum Leaps - From "Words from Rtisbute" blog

A quantum leap is a leap so small, it dose not seem like a leap at all.


From Rtisbute's Unwritten Books Blog

"Lost in MySpace"

Inspired by the sci-fi epic.


News flash: Digital cameras without a flash.

Eastman Kodak Co. said on Thursday it has developed digital camera technology that nearly eliminates the need for flash photography, part of the company's effort to make money from its deep patent portfolio.

Check it out on Reuters

Friday, June 15, 2007

My Wizard

Don Herbert, who as television's "Mr. Wizard" introduced generations of young viewers to the joys of science, died Tuesday. He was 89.

Herbert, who had bone cancer, died at his suburban Bell Canyon home, said his son-in-law, Tom Nikosey.

"He really taught kids how to use the thinking skills of a scientist," said former colleague Steve Jacobs. He worked with Herbert on a 1980s show that echoed the original 1950s "Watch Mr. Wizard" series, which became a fond baby boomer memory.

Rest in peace. - Clip From CNN comments has violated my freedom of press by editing my html links to external sites. It is a violation of the constitution of the Unites States of America. It impedes Internet e-commerce and not conducive to good business ethics. comments. has violated my freedom of press by editing my html links to external sites. It is a violation of the constitution of the Unites States of America. It impedesInternet e-commerce and not conducive to good business ethics.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Reading a book.

An unread is a good place to look!


Monday, June 4, 2007

"Words fom Rtisbute"

"The truth is HereSay the grapes but farther down the grapevine is the further from the truth" - Steve Viemeister -rtisbtue

Thursday, May 17, 2007

By el_swifterino

Originally uploaded by el swifterino.
B Bold!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

NASA's Conundrum about going to Mars

Problem: How do you get rid of the body of a dead astronaut on a three-year mission to Mars and back?

Solution: Find an astronaut who wishes for the traditional "burial at sea". I know there are thousands of people qualified enough to go to mars and willing to make this choice.

c'mon ...
I would love for my dead ass to end up somewhere in another galaxy. Its the opportunity of a lifetime!

Wolfram 2,3 Turing Machine Research Prize

Wolfram 2,3 Turing Machine Research Prize

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Friday, April 27, 2007

"Harold Robbins"

"Harold Robbins"
Originally uploaded by dondavidart.
Nuff said.

Math Wisdom

For all the people out there who think negatively about math... It is absolutely valuable!

Math Awareness Month!

S. Viemeister - rtisbute

Saturday, April 14, 2007

from the "Words" subblog - The Early Bird

Everyone knows the early bird gets the worm. The smart bird, however, pulls an all-nighter and eats as many worms as he or she wants... before the early birds are awake!!!

Steve Viemeister - rtisbtue

Saturday, March 24, 2007

RMA Grads -- listen up

RMA people -- listen up,

I have some updates about RMA and the alumni for 97, 98, 1n 99. I was put in charge of the 10 year reunion. Some people have given me their contact info in the past. I did not share it with RMA as agreed to and stated before. I have stayed true to my word. I have a lot more info for many more people now, and I will share it on an individual permission ask first basis. i.e.

if you want to know how to contact john doe, I will contact john doe upon your behalf, and if John gives the OK, I will exchange the info!

I have respected the privacy of all the people who shared their information with me in regards to the RMA Alumni Association, being true to my word. I am now an "Alumni Coordinator" and plan on working with the school and each other.

Steve V

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Happy Pi Day!!!

I hope everyone had a happy 3.1415927..... time on π Day!!!

Steven Viemeister - rtisbute

Monday, March 12, 2007

Cray fish

Originally uploaded by rtisbute.
Little fish beware...

Saturday, February 17, 2007

The co-inventor of the TV remote, Robert Adler, has passed away :(

The co-inventor of the TV remote, Robert Adler, has died.

Various sources have credited either Polley, another Zenith engineer, or Adler as the inventor of the device. Polley created the "Flashmatic," a wireless remote introduced in 1955 that operated on photo cells. Adler introduced ultrasonics, or high-frequency sound, to make the device more efficient in 1956.

Adler joined Zenith's research division in 1941 after earning a doctorate in physics from the University of Vienna. He retired as research vice president in 1979, and served as a technical consultant until 1999, when Zenith merged with LG Electronics Inc.

During World War II, Adler specialized in military communications equipment. He later helped develop sensitive amplifiers for ultra high frequency signals used by radio astronomers and by the U.S. Air Force for long-range missile detection.

Adler also was considered a pioneer in SAW technology, or surface acoustic waves, in color television sets and touch screens. The technology has also been used in cellular telephones.

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office published his most recent patent application, for advances in touch screen technology, on February 1.

His wife, Ingrid, said Adler wouldn't have chosen the remote control as his favorite invention. In fact, he didn't even watch much television.

"He was more of a reader," she said. "He was a man who would dream in the night and wake up and say, 'I just solved a problem.' He was always thinking science."

Adler wished he had been recognized for more of his broad-ranging applications that were useful in the war and in space and were building blocks of other technology, she said, "but then the remote control changed the life of every man."

Rest in peace!!! -- Don't forget to press the "Sleep" button!!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

FBI, Homeland Security Warn About Webcams

FBI, Homeland Security Warn About Webcams

The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security have issued a warning about webcams. In one of their regular security advisories, Homeland Security and the FBI urge local, state, and federal agencies -- and the private sector -- to review what's available on webcams that transmit pictures of their facilities.

The advisory was sent after an Islamic extremist Web site posted an item entitled "You Can Spy on the Enemies."

The site provided a link to a live webcam at a regional airport in Hagerstown, Md., which allowed users to control the camera and zoom in on the terminal and cargo areas.

The webcam was disabled after airport officials were notified of the posting.

The security advisory urges government agencies and people in the private sector who have webcams to review the shots that are being transmitted.

Internet search engines provide a link to a remote-controllable camera at the Hagerstown airport, but the links no longer work.

An airport official told a local news station, "There are no working webcams at the airport available to the public."

I wonder if they were on camera when they said this?

Research Into Procrastination Shows Surprising Findings

Research Into Procrastination Shows Surprising Findings

Wheres the equation... the proof!!!!

I will look it up later.

Monday, January 15, 2007

D.C. Bloggers

A great link for Blogs in the Washington DC Area.
D.C. Bloggers


Each problem that I solved became a rule which served afterwards to solve other problems.
- Rene Descartes

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Heres lookin @ you kid!

Originally uploaded by wow_xanthi.
wow_xanthi is VERY good!!

Monday, January 8, 2007

Engadget........... you missed MY Halloween costume!!!!!!
The earbuds played music, and the visualizations went with the music...

At work.. they call me V-POD.

Steven Viemeister
Posted by Picasa

Saturday, January 6, 2007


This is an interesting new web browser I found. I usually use firefox with lots of extensions. But this is Flickr compatible (and MANY more social online sites), it has photo drag and drop, flickr streams, and some other visually cool stuff. I have not used it very long but its worth checking out. It is exactly like firefox (essentially a modified version), but with - photo, blog, news, and other social stuff. .

Steve V
"In the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes."
Andy Warhol

US artist (1928 - 1987)

Verbal arithmetic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

COOL!!! Check this out!

Verbal arithmetic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia